In this blog post, you can download Essentials of a successful biostatistical collaboration (2017) for free in PDF format download with one click.

Overview of Essentials of a successful biostatistical collaboration (2017) PDF free download:
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Before we share the free PDF download of Essentials of a successful biostatistical collaboration (2017) pdf Free download with you, here are a few important details about this book in case you're interested.
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Features of Essentials of a successful biostatistical collaboration (2017) PDF free download:
The biostatistics profession is relatively new in the field of medicine. Most biostatisticians learn their tools of the trade through on-job training, and they either pick up the skills on the job through experience gained from a large number of collaborative projects or learn from an experienced mentor if available. Current resources on ‘consulting’ for biostatisticians is targeted at statistical consulting, which is different from a ‘collaboration’, and they include resources that provide examples from a diverse range of applications with few medical examples, as they are not specifically targeted at biostatisticians (Daniel, 1969; Demming, 1965; Hahn and Hoerl, 1998), or contain a collection of papers on statistical consulting in diverse areas such as finance, science, medicine and marketing with each study exemplifying a sample of issues, including crossover designs and ethical issues with clinical trials (Hand and Everitt, 1987) and case studies, including battery failure analysis, job promotion discrimination, lost mail analysis and food experiments (J. and Mc Dougall, 2010). A comprehensive resource covering all the aspects of collaboration with clinicians, especially writing for a publication or a grant proposal, oral and written communication and presentation skills, and managing projects and collaborators is currently lacking. Those that endeavour to cover communication aspects, for instance, unfortunately do not cover the technical and methodological aspects, which are equally important in collaboration (Derr, 2000) or focus on writing skills for reports, not publications (J. and Mc Dougall, 2010), the latter being more critical in a collaboration. This book will provide valuable insights for a practising biostatistician on ‘hard skills’ like methodological concepts revolving around study designs, form and database design, statistical analysis plan (SAP) and sample size calculations and non-methodological ‘soft skills’, such as how best to communicate with clinicians, as well as the best practices to adopt in terms of project, time and data management, writing skills and managing relationships with collaborators.
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