In this blog post, you can download Medical Biostatistics for Complex Diseases (2010) for free in PDF format download with one click.

Overview of Medical Biostatistics for Complex Diseases (2010) PDF free download:
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Before we share the free PDF download of Medical Biostatistics for Complex Diseases (2010) pdf Free download with you, here are a few important details about this book in case you're interested.
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Features of Medical Biostatistics for Complex Diseases (2010) PDF free download:
This book,Medical Biostatistics for Complex Diseases, presents novel approaches for the statistical and computational analysis of high-throughput data from complex diseases. A complex disease is characterized by an intertwined interplay between several genes that are responsible for the pathological phenotype instead of a single gene.
This interplay among genes and their products leads to a bio-complexity that makes a characterization and description of such a disease intricate. For this reason, it has been realized that single-gene-specific methods are less insightful than methods based on groups of genes. A possible explanation for this is that the orchestral behavior of genes in terms of their molecular interactions form gene networks that are composed of functional units (subnetworks) that are called pathways. In this respect, analysis methods based on groups of genes may resemble biological pathways and, hence, functional units of the biological system. This is in the spirit of systems theory, which requires that a functional part of a system under investigation has to be studied to gain information about its functioning. The transfer of this conceptual framework to biological problems has been manifested in systems biology. For this reason, the methods presented in this book emphasize pathway-based approaches. In contrast to network-based approaches for the analysis of high-throughput data a pathway has a less stringent definition than a network [10] which may correspond to the causal molecular interactions or merely to a set of genes constituting it while neglecting their relational structure. Hence, the methodological analysis methods for both types of approaches vary considerably.
Further, the present book emphasizes statistical methods because, for example, the need to test for significance or classify robustly is omnipresent in the context of high throughput data from complex diseases. In a nutshell, the book focuses on a certain perspective of systems biology for the analysis of high-throughput data to help elucidating aspects of complex diseases that may otherwise remain covered.
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